Original Input Format

Here is a description of the old Input Format and a small example on it. The old input format 
files end with *.map extension.


There should be NO CRLFs and the delimiter used for seperation is a semicolon and the 
nesting part is done with square brackets ('[' , ']').

treeid = unused integer
num_of_attrs = number of attributes for each object
X = attr type:  0=integer, 1=real, 2=string, 3=date
attrn_name = The string name of the attr n


New Input Format

Here is a description of the new Input Format and a small example on it. The new input format files end 
with *.map.new extension. Here the format:

NumofAttributes AType1, AType2...ATypeN AName1...ANameN
[Name AttriValue1...AttriValueN
		[Level1_ItemName1 AttriValue..AttriValueN
			[Level2_ItemName1 AttriVaue2...…AttriValueN
				[Child1 AttriValuu1...…AttriValueN ]
 	[Level1_ItemName2 AttriValue1…...AttriValueN
			[Level2_ItemName1 AttriValue1...…AttriValueN
				[Child1 AttriValue1...…AttriValueN ]

			               Null Value Representation
Integer is 0		                 0
Float is 1		                  0.0 || 0
String is 2		                " :"
Date is 3		                     0

Every String much be enclosed in " :" and this gives the user the flexibility to add double codes into String types.

And the date format is:

But Hours, Minutes and Seconds are optional. If you have the hours and minutes you can have only those two 
without seconds. Some examples of valid data format are:

	11:20:70 		            --> that is 20th November 1970
	11:20:70:15:23         --> that is 20th November 1970 at 3:23 pm.
	11:20:70:15:23:49 	-->  that is 20th November 1970 at 3:23:49 pm.

year - the year minus 1900.
month - the month between 0-11.
date - the day of the month between 1-31.
hours - the hours between 0-23.
minutes - the minutes between 0-59.
seconds - the seconds between 0-59.

Example Input:

5	0	1	1	2	1	Age:Height :Weight	:Nick:Disease:
["Pet :"	0	0	0  	"zoon:"	3
		["Dog :"	0	0	0	"zoon1 :"	4			
			["Rover:"	0	0	0	"zoon2 :"	1	
				["Puppy1 :"	1	10	1	"very funny name :"2]		
			["Puppy2:"	2	10	2	"testable name :" 3]	
			["Josh:"	2	15	4	"confused name :"	4]			
		["Cat:"	0	0	0	" :"	7		
			["Purina:"	0	0	0	" :"	10	
				["Kittiles:"	0	0	0	" :"	11	
					["Kitty1 is1 :"	1	5	3	"ok k1 :"8]	
					["Kitty2 is 2:"	4	23	9	"ok k2 :"7]	
		["Snake :"	0	0	0	" :"	6		
			["Striker:"	1	10	30	"whatever :"	3]

Excel Input Format

Here is a description of the Excel Format and a small example on it. The excelinput format files end 
with *.map.excel extension. Here the format:

NumofAttributes AType1, AType2...ATypeN AName1...:ANameN:
Level        InternalNode1 :InternalNode2 : ... InternalNodeN:        Leaf1 AValue1...AValueN:
Level        InternalNode1 :InternalNode2 : ... InternalNodeN:        Leaf2 AValue1...AValueN:
Level        InternalNode1 :InternalNode2 : ... InternalNodeN:        Leaf3 AValue1...AValueN:
Level        InternalNode1 :InternalNode2 : ... InternalNodeN:        Leaf4 AValue1...AValueN:
Level        InternalNode1 :InternalNode2 : ... InternalNodeN:        Leaf5 AValue1...AValueN:
Level        InternalNode1 :InternalNode2 : ... InternalNodeN:        Leaf6 AValue1...AValueN:

Excel Format also follows the same input format as the new input format.

Here is an example of excel format:

3	2	0	0	Nick:	Height	:Weight:
4	Pets:	Dog:	Rover:	Puppy1:	pub:	2:	12:
4	Pets:	Dog:	Rover:	Puppy2:	Pest:	3:	18:
3	Pets:	Dog:	Josh:	ummm:	4:	33:
5	Pets:	Cats:	Purina:	Kitties:	Kitty1:	kitttty:	4:	12:
5	Pets:	Cats:	Purina:	Kitties:	Kitty2:	chooo:	1:	13:
5	Pets:	Cats:	Purina:	Kitties:	Kitty2:	ooorfff:	23:	42:
3	Pets:	Snake:	Cobra:	ssuuu:	8:	20: